by Credent Wealth Management | Dec 5, 2023
The clock continues to tick. Your retirement is one year closer. Luckily, you still have time before December 31st to take steps to help fund the retirement you desire. Here are five things to consider. 1. Establish Your 2023 Retirement Plan First, a question: Do...
by Credent Wealth Management | Nov 13, 2023
A trust is an instrument set up to hold the property of an individual, often called the grantor, for one or more designated beneficiaries. The following glossary provides a brief description of various types of trusts. Because trusts are complex, it is...
by Credent Wealth Management | Nov 13, 2023
Business Owners Must Stay Ahead of Daily Events and Keep the End in Mind Building a business is kind of like being a parent. You start with an infant enterprise that needs constant attention and often deprives you of sleep, absorbs a big chunk of your savings, and...
by Credent Wealth Management | Nov 13, 2023
Are you a business owner thinking about exiting your company? Which exit strategy will benefit you most? It’s a tough move to undo, and you should know the pluses and minuses going in. While the number of exit routes seems unending, you generally choose from only...