4 Money Management Tips for Couples

Ask any long-time couple how to build a lasting relationship, and their advice centers on one pillar: communication. Money management for couples hinges on the same thing.   While the sentiment to “talk openly and honestly” can seem like a platitude, it’s harder in...

8 Ways to Change Your Money Mindset

After years of helping hardworking Americans achieve financial freedom, we’ve seen how a person’s money mindset (translation: how they think about money) can hold them back or propel them forward. Financial fallacies about what matters, how to invest, and who to work...

Our View of 2025

Increasingly Optimistic Economic Growth The pace of economic growth may slow in 2025, potentially setting the stage for the next wave of secular growth. Such a headline goes against conventional wisdom on why it deserves our top optimistic spot, but the reality of a...

How to Complete a January Financial Review

A financial plan unsupported by proactive reviews will become outdated and unhelpful. Around January each year, many Credent clients hear from their advisory team regarding the previous year’s performance and the coming year’s expectations. This check-in is a chance...