Retirement Planning
The life you want. The financial freedom you need.
Many of our clients wonder: “Can I retire, or can I stay retired with the same lifestyle I have today? If not, what do I need to change?” Recent studies have shown that 75%* of Americans fall short of bringing in the income they need to make their retirement dreams a reality. At Credent, our focus is on helping you retire with confidence.
Whatever your vision for retirement may be, our team will develop a comprehensive plan to help you achieve your goals and keep your investments aligned with your life vision so you remain confident in your decision-making and excited about your financial future.
Our expert advisors will help you:
Analyze how much income you will need in retirement to live how you want and keep up with inflation.
Ensure that your investments align with your ultimate goals.
Consider tax implications to make sure you’re not overpaying.
Find the right investments for you.
*Statistics from Retirement Survey & Insights Report 2022 by Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
Learn how to prepare for your ideal retirement:
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