by Credent Wealth Management | Dec 5, 2023
The clock continues to tick. Your retirement is one year closer. Luckily, you still have time before December 31st to take steps to help fund the retirement you desire. Here are five things to consider. 1. Establish Your 2023 Retirement Plan First, a question: Do...
by Credent Wealth Management | Nov 14, 2023
Laying the Foundation - Plan for Succession It is never too early to begin planning for succession. An early start can allow you ample time to develop an appropriate exit strategy, choose the right person to be your successor, and train your successor to manage the...
by Credent Wealth Management | Nov 7, 2023
Holiday planning often centers on not overspending. While it’s wise to budget and prepare for expenses, there is more you can do to savor the season. Here are five tips to plan for a meaningful, charitable, stress-free, and safe holiday. 1. Plan for a...
by Credent Wealth Management | Oct 24, 2023
As healthcare costs increase, planning is crucial. How can you prepare for future needs? Here are four stages to consider and what to do in each stage. 1. Pre-Retirement While working, healthcare costs often blend into general living expenses. We account for...
by Credent Wealth Management | Oct 17, 2023
With less than three months left in the year, it’s time to think about end-of-year to-dos. One priority is to satisfy your Required Minimum Distributions, or RMDs, before December 31st. If you’re a client of Credent, we have probably discussed your RMDs...